Dérive app

by Babak Fakhamzadeh

Travel & Local


Explore an urban environment on your own terms and get lost.

Dérive app is created as a simple but engaging platform that allows users to explore their urban spaces in a care-free and casual way. It takes the ideals of the Situationists and merges it with digital means in order to create a tool for exploration of urban space in a random unplanned way, as a game. Too often in urban centers we are controlled by our day to day activities thus closing off urban experiences that exist around us. Dérive app was created to try to nudge those people who are in this repetitive cycle to allow the suggestions and subjectivities of others to enter into their urban existences.The active engagement of communities in their urban spaces unleashes in them new understanding of their urban surroundings, to open up channels of dialogue between individuals and groups through a device that makes the unpacking of urban space part of a game. The task cards that are dealt are created with the intention of heightening the experience of the city for the user, by calling them out to search for specific architectural, urban or social points of interest, thus allowing users of the application to see their urban spaces in a different light.Updated interface.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Sick concept. Perfect for street photographers

Sam Jones

I was unsure of when I'd use this initially but on reflection and creation of my own decks it's a really interesting deck based system of offering invitations to notice. As Ken Knabb says "In a dérive one or more persons during a certain period drop their usual motives for movement and action, their relations, their work and leisure activities, and let themselves be drawn by the attractions of the terrain and the encounters they find there..."

Tommy Carr

i don't care about the Facebook login, i liked it. also somehow I got out of my house. that's a wonder!

A Google user

Sadly, it crashes to a white screen all the time. A great idea, from what I can tell on the video. But I only got it to work once (the first time) and then only briefly.

Christian Sandvig

Amazing for discovering places poetically ♡♡♡


Great app - ignore Kevin Grosman's review - he doesn't know what he is talking about!

Cal Desmond-Pearson

This app is fake don't download

Kevin Grosman